
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fascinating Fashion in Faulty Films, Part I

This is the first of a new feature, Fascinating Fashion in Faulty Films (ha ha ha, I am so funny, etc.).  People generally tend to focus on costuming in good films, but no films are truly such a time-capsule for awfulness like vintage B-movies.

 Source: Wikipedia

We'll take a brief look at Sylvia Lopez's costumes in the 1959 Italian feature Hercules Unchained, a film which Mr. Williams and I enjoyed way more than we should have.

 Our first glimpse of man-eating Queen Omphale comes at the beginning of the film.  She lounges about the house wearing a sparkling cape and reading her iPad, as we all do at home.

 Lest I forget this film was made in 1959, the closeups are there to remind me.

 There's a surprising amount of detail in her clothes; this was an especially nice dress.  
(There would be more photos of it, but this woman changes clothes about 1,500 times in 90 minutes.  She's like the Lady Gaga of Greek mythology. )

This ensemble seems to be going the synchronized swimmer figure skater route.


 We're going into figure skating territory again, here...
...but the outfit saves itself.  It has a lovely train on it and I find it quite pretty. 

In conclusion, the costumes were actually surprisingly inventive.  The one above definitely demonstrates that there was quite a lot of thought that went into Queen Omphale's outfit, despite the fact that the rest of the movie is nearly a disaster, albeit enjoyable.

This has been Fascinating Fashion in Faulty Films: Hercules Unchained.


  1. Hilarious ! She was the standard of beauty in 1959. I especially love her eyebrows >:-D
    I think I saw that film in a theater when it was first released.......

  2. Hello, I found you from the Fedora Lounge!

    What a great feature! Back in the day even trashy third-rate movies were glamorous, eh? (well, sort of...) that eye makeup is amazing... and those brows- oh my!

  3. This is so funny...:-)


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