
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our Firstborn... Cat

I sort of fell out of the blogosphere for a bit, whilst spending the weekend away.  Life has been insane busy, but I'm back and all is well.  (We saw The Artist on Saturday and it's possibly one of my favorite movies I've seen in a long time.  Very inventive and sweet.)
The other reason I've been away from blogging is because on Monday, this little dude came home from the Humane Society with us...

Smokey.  He thinks he's part prairie-dog.

I've never had a cat before (I'm more of a dog person), but Mr. Williams likes them; so I decided to give it a try.  And Smokey here turned out to be the sweetest, most congenial cat I've ever met.  (Well... except for when he walks on our bed's headboard in the middle of the night.  But other than that, he's perfect.)

In other news, I've been just trudging through winter.  It's hard to find any energy to dress nicely when it's always 35 degrees out and the sky intermittently throws snow at us.  Vintage stockings are out of the question for nightly dates and outings... especially if you usually end up trudging two blocks in the rain, trying to get inside the movie theater before your ankles freeze solid and snap off.  Skin goes from parched to oily in minutes; nails are brittle; and in the end, all I want to do in February is settle down with a candy bar and some hot coffee.
So, let me ask: what are your tips for keeping the vintage spirit alive and well through the winter cold?  Buying makeup or new clothes?  Style books or new boots?  Let me know, ladies.


  1. Look at those poses! Do you love him? I love him. He is very handsome.

    1. Yeah, I'm really glad I decided to go with being a cat owner! I'll let him know what you said, too. ;)

  2. In order to keep up the vintage spirit in winter, buy a vintage looking hat and wear fur! (or faux fur if your sensitivities require you too)

  3. Have a little look here - my winter favourite!

    I just moved into a house with two cats like this! They're young and spring about a lot... I love having cats in the house. They always have such distinct personalities!



    1. Ah, thank you for the link!
      I've never been fond of cats before, honestly, but I love this little guy. He's very affectionate. :)

  4. I LOVE cats - had them since I was little, plus I'm TERRIFIED of dogs. I wish the ones in my new flat could be coerced into posing for photos with me!

    You're welcome, pimping my blog as always!


  5. OO!!! So cute! My cat is also doing that, sitting like a meercat! It's cute, but wierd ^^,

  6. Your kitty cat is super cute! I have given you a blog award :) Check out my blog for details at Congrats on the fabulous blog! xxx


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