
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trouble From the Start

What's better than film noir?  Nothing, that's what.  I rigged up a makeshift studio in my house today for a session of moody photos with low light, sharp shadows, and imagined mysteries.
  •  Any favorite films noir that you think are necessary viewing?  Any photo tips that you know are essential for black and white shots?  Let me know in the comments what you think, or if you have any ideas for more stylized photos I could try!


  1. What evocative, fantastic images! There's a strong film noire vibe here, as you discuss, but also a subtle 1990s grunge era one (to my eyes at least) as well.

    I love that you're experimenting with your blog photos and really look forward to seeing what you bring us here next.

    Big hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you! I can see the grunge style, too, now that you mention it!
      I'm hoping to think up something else with a deliberate theme soon. (I love themed stuff: themed rooms, themed parties, themed outfits... It's an obsession.)


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