
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

My friend Jessica over at Jessica's Vintage gave me an award over the weekend, and I must thank her!  (She's a lovely girl with a great blog, so I recommend you go check out her site.)

Apparently the way this works is that I will forward this on to 10 people and give you all 7 facts about myself.  Whoever I award this to will then go on to do the same, if they so please.

So, 7 facts about me....

  1. I wasn't always into vintage.  I generally used to walk around in combat boots, studded belts, and spiked jewelry.  Ahh, youth...
  2.  My fashion heroine used to be Audrey Hepburn, and while I still believe she's (probably) the most beautiful woman to ever live, I'm smitten with Myrna Loy right now.  She could pull off a wide range of different styles and always look stunning and gracious and perfect.
  3. I was vegetarian and then vegan for 3 years.  The diet didn't fit my lifestyle too well, and while I applaud any who can eat like that daily and stay healthy, I am now happily back to being an omnivore.
  4. I started doing CrossFit about seven or eight months ago.  It's helped me build up stamina for simple things (like carrying laundry up the stairs!  Ha...) and also to shed the dreaded extra 15 lbs. that afflicts newlyweds.  I love showing up at the box in pearls and with painted nails and then doing deadlifts and back-squats.
  5.  After a good fifteen years of hating pink, I am a definitive 'girly girl' now.  Nine year-old me would be so disgusted.
  6. My dream job is to sell vintage, but I can't bear to sell off any of my finds.  (Hence why I have a random 1950s nurse uniform in a box somewhere...)
  7. I love to draw and sketch, and I'm currently working on a small series of greeting cards and bookmarks featuring ladies of the past.

Now, my winning bloggers!...

  •  Miss Tallulah Porkchop.  She's on a blogging break right now, but she is a very sweet lady and always puts together wonderful ensembles!
  • Dashfield Vintage.  Always inspiring and a breath of fresh air.
  • Highball Emy.  One of the first bloggers I spoke to when I started, and her blog has morphed into a great site about cooking and such.  And, hey, I love food just as much as clothes!
  • Sweetheart of the Rodeo.  She has a great sense of style and is always sharing something new.
  • The Fiercest Lilliputian.  Emma is always adorable, and looks like she comes right out of an old movie!
  • The Dressing Parlour.  Alison is totally glamorous and modern as she shares her adventures.  A must-read.
  • Pretty Little Things.  The Art Deco Dame is always putting together cute outfits and sharing parts of her vintage-style home life.
  • Vintage At Heart.  Harlow Darling always has a fresh, fun take on vintage style.
  • Chronically Vintage.  A delightfully stylish and honest blog by a truly lovely lady.
  • Q's Daydream.  Such cute style and a nice breezy feel to the blog.  Plus: vintage girls with short hair, UNITE!!!


  1. Thank you very much for the the splendidly lovely blog award, my dear, I really appreciate that you thought to pass it on to me.

    It was fun learning more about you. I was nodding vigorously I read #6. Though I can part with vintage, it's never easy and I'd always feel a touch conflicted if I was a seller, too.

    Thank you again!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. You're very welcome! I'm settling back into a better blogging routine, myself, so I will certainly be stopping by your blog more often. :)

  2. Ooo goodness thank you very much for the blogger award :). Ha ha I totally feel you on half your answers! Studded belts and boots (or rather chucks in my case)... ermm guilty, attempted veganisim... yup been there and failed, tomboy... still am in many ways, can't bring myself to sell half the vintage I'm supposed to be... TOTALLY guilty!

    1. We're twins! Haha. Glad to see someone else shares my neuroses!
      (Oh, and I used to, and still do, rock a pair of Chucks. There are some things you just don't grow out of. :) )

  3. THANK YOU for the award, it's so kind of you! Made my little day :) I've reblogged it now if you want to go and have a look:

    I used to be a Goth, so I totally understamd about the studs!



  4. Aww thank you so much the award! I love all your facts. I was totally punk in high school, I think a lot of vintage ladies now had a very different vibe at some point in their life haha.


  5. Hello lovely, my apologies. I've been snowed under with work and haven't even had the time to blog in over two weeks now. Thank you, thank you for awarding me with the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Gosh, will try to blog soon :)
    Bad Blogger xx

  6. I just found your blog via Jessica Cangiano, very cute blog! I love to find new creative vintage loving bloggers to follow!! I just started blogging and selling vintage this year. It is so hard to part with some things but I really hope that I can turn this into more than just a hobby one day.


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